Assistant Professor Dr. Donald Stephen

Faculty of Multidisciplinary and Sustainability Studies

i -CATS University College,
Jalan Stampin Timur,
93350 Kuching,

Staff Profile Photo

Professional Profile

Assistant Professor Dr. Donald Stephen, Assistant Professor for Faculty of Multidisciplinary and Sustainability Studies in i-CATS University College, Kuching. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for fostering an environment conducive to growth and achievement, Assistant Professor Dr. Donald Stephen brings a wealth of expertise and a multifaceted approach to work.

Academic Qualification

Area of Expertise

Cognitive Science,
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

Cognitive Science,
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak


Behavioural data mining

Applied Statistics



Title: State Talent Development Masterplan - Ministry of Education, Innovation, & Talent Development Sarawak
FYear RC: 2023


Research and Consultancy

Title: Emotional Exhaustion and Turnover Intention Among Employees: An Empirical Perspective
Year: 2022

Title: Job Satisfaction During the Covid-19 Movement Control Order: a State-wide Study of Utility Companies in Sarawak, Malaysia
Year: Not Available

Title: Composite Score Calculation for Likert-type Items using Linear Scale Transfprmation
Year: 2022

Title: Organizational Excellence Index: Facilitating Organizational Learning through Organizational Culture Audit.
Year: 2022

Title: Gender Disparity in English Language Learning Based on Felder-Silverman Learning Styles Model: A Bayesian Approach
Year: 2022

Title: Visualizing Relationship Between Dimensions of Felder-Silverman Learning Styles Model
Year: 2022

Title: Fostering Economic Sustainability through the Pick-Up and Drop-Off (PUDO) Point Suitability Index: Optimizing Last-Mile Delivery Efficiency
Year: 2023

Title: Factors Promoting and Hindering the Implementation of PUDO Services Related to Courier Services Deployed at PEDi Centres in Southern Sarawak
Year: 2023

Title: Competency Profiling Index For District Officers: A Case Of Sarawak
Year: 2023

Title: Pelangi yang Sirna
Year: 2023

Title: Sistem Solar Fotovoltaik (PV) Mandiri: Buku Panduan Pemasangan dan Kaedah Pengujian
Year: 2023

Title: Gaussian graphical model for Perceiving the Sense of Community of Melanau Coastal Village in Mukah, Sarawak
Year: 2024

Professional Membership with Affiliated Organisation

Professional Qualification

Member – Non-Student of Cognitive Science Society (USA)

No Professional Qualification data available