Ts. Fabian Halley Pata anak Alban Dattu

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

i -CATS University College,
Jalan Stampin Timur,
93350 Kuching,

Staff Profile Photo

Professional Profile

Ts. Fabian Halley Pata anak Alban Dattu, Senior Lecturer for Faculty of Engineering and Technology in i-CATS University College, Kuching. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for fostering an environment conducive to growth and achievement, Ts. Fabian Halley Pata anak Alban Dattu brings a wealth of expertise and a multifaceted approach to work.

Academic Qualification

Area of Expertise

Mechanical Engineering,
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

Mechanical Engineering,
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

Design and Simulation



Title: Not Available
FYear RC: Not Available


Research and Consultancy

Title: Simulation Study of a Futsal Ball Deformation in Normal Impact Using Finite Element Method
Year: 2018

Title: Influence of Drop Height on the Impact Characteristic of Futsal Ball Size 4
Year: 2018

Title: A sports balls impact and the impact injuries: A review
Year: 2021

Title: Car Park Detection System
Year: 2022

Title: A Four-Size Futsal Ball Characteristics in Virtue of Height Falls Impact
Year: 2022

Title: Simulation And Modelling of a Futsal Ball Size 4 and Free Fall Impact Test
Year: 2018

Title: Nipah Palm Fibre Composites: Surface Characteristic
Year: 2022

Title: Development Board of Microcontroller and Standalone Microcontroller with Adaption to Renewable Energy System Overview
Year: 2023

Title: A Proposed Framework to Determine the Reliability and Spare Parts Replacement for Medical Devices
Year: 2024

Title: Machine Learning Techniques to Detect Heart Disease: A Review
Year: 2023

Professional Membership with Affiliated Organisation

Professional Qualification

Professional Teknologis of Malaysia Board of Technologists

Jurutera Siswazah of Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia

Not Available of Not Available

Technologist of Malaysia Board of Technologist

Graduate Engineer in Mechanical from Board of Engineering Malaysia

Teknologis Profesional in Manufacturing and Industrial Technology (ME) from Malaysia Board of Technologists