Professor Dr. Hasbee Hj Usop

Faculty of Multidisciplinary and Sustainability Studies

i -CATS University College,
Jalan Stampin Timur,
93350 Kuching,

Staff Profile Photo

Professional Profile

Professor Dr. Hasbee Hj Usop, Professor for Faculty of Multidisciplinary and Sustainability Studies in i-CATS University College, Kuching. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for fostering an environment conducive to growth and achievement, Professor Dr. Hasbee Hj Usop brings a wealth of expertise and a multifaceted approach to work.

Academic Qualification

Area of Expertise

No academic qualification data available

Learning sciences, Training & Development (Human Resource Development)



Title: State Talent Development Masterplan - Ministry of Education, Innovation, & Talent Development Sarawak
FYear RC: 2023


Research and Consultancy

Title: Instructional efficiency: The role of prior knowledge and cognitive load
Year: 2023

Title: Is the inverse method more effective than the balance method on learning linear equation? A cross-cultural experimental study between Malaysia and Australia.
Year: 2023

Professional Membership with Affiliated Organisation

Professional Qualification

Life Member of PROFES

Life Member of Science Teachers Association Sarawak

Member of Sarawak Development Institute

Member of Angkatan Zaman Mansang (AZAM)

No Professional Qualification data available