Ms. Teena Sim

i-CATS Centre for Academic Support

i -CATS University College,
Jalan Stampin Timur,
93350 Kuching,

Staff Profile Photo

Professional Profile

Ms. Teena Sim, Lecturer for i-CATS Centre for Academic Support in i-CATS University College, Kuching. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for fostering an environment conducive to growth and achievement, Ms. Teena Sim brings a wealth of expertise and a multifaceted approach to work.

Academic Qualification

Area of Expertise

Child Development,
Universiti Putra Malaysia

Education (Early childhood),
Chiba University

Tokyo Music And Media Art Shobi (Shobi College of Music)

Early Childhood Music

Early Childhood Educators Training



Title: Not Available
FYear RC: Not Available


Research and Consultancy

Title: Music-based language program for preschool teachers' training and lesson delivery: a pilot trial
Year: 2023

Title: Music-based language programme teacher training on preschool teachers’ music teaching self-efficacy and delivery performance: a case study
Year: Not Available

Title: Music-based language enhancement activities for preschoolers with and without language delay: A systematic review
Year: Not Available

Professional Membership with Affiliated Organisation

Professional Qualification

No Professional Membership with Affiliated Organisation data available

Qualified to teach 7 courses of Yamaha Music Education System Courses in Music Education from Yamaha Music (Malaysia)Sdn Bhd

Electone Performance Grade 5 (Music Instructor) in Yamaha Music Proficiency from Yamaha Music Foundation (Japan)

Yamaha Fundamentals Grade 5 (Music Instructor) in Yamaha Music Proficiency from Yamaha Music Foundation (Japan)

Grade 8 Theory of Music in Music Theory from Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

Orff-Schulwerk Level two in Music and Movement Teaching and Learning from Victorian Orff-Schulwerk Association

Participation of 11th Dalcroze Eurhythmics International Workshops in Eurhythmics from Dalcorze Society of Taiwan

Attendance of IBDP Counseling Workshops. in IB Diploma Program Student Counseling from International Baccalaureate Organization (Singapore)

Participation of 64 hours training courses on the theory and practise of Postmodern approach for student counseling. in Student Counseling from Hsuan Chuang University